Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

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Category : Giving Back

MapleBear Terry Fox Charity Carnival 2023
Maple Bear Singapore Terry Fox Charity Carnival 2023
Supporting Cancer Research and Giving Hope to the World Together with our families from 53 MapleBear Preschools in Singapore, we raised $180,280 for this year’s Terry Fox Charity Carnival to…
2 girls smiling in Maple Bear's Terry Fox 2022 hoop race
The Terry Fox Charity Run 2022!
In October this year, Maple Bear Asiawide kicked off our Terry Fox Charity Run 2022 to raise funds for the Singapore Children’s Cancer Foundation. Our children and their families came…
Little Fox Run 2019
Maple Bear Little Fox Run 2019
It is our Maple Bear tradition to celebrate Children's Day together as a family and to make this world a happier place. Terry Fox was a cancer research activist whose…