Amidst a residential haven along Yunnan Drive, MapleBear Jurong West is housed in a quaint, two-storey bungalow terrace serving communities in the West. Our centre includes a spacious backyard with lush greenery, an outdoor playground, open-concept classrooms and specially-designed learning corners. With a curriculum aimed at engaging our young thinkers, we recognize the importance of a holistic learning experience that caters to your child’s natural inclinations.
Maple Bear Jurong West
We’ve been attending MapleBear Jurong West since my daughter was 3 years old. I love how the activities organised by the school are so interesting. They offer many hands-on activities such as cooking and gardening, which helps children learn facts in a fun and engaging manner. It’s also very heartwarming to see how the children are like one big happy family across the different preschool levels, even with social distancing measures in place. My child is very happy at MapleBear Jurong West and she looks forward to her little sister joining her in just a few months time!
– Gracie Eng, Mother of Ada Seah