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MapleBear Terry Fox Charity Carnival 2023

Maple Bear Singapore Terry Fox Charity Carnival 2023

Posted in Giving Back / Maple Bear Asiawide / Maple Bear Singapore on Wednesday, August 30th, 2023

Supporting Cancer Research and Giving Hope to the World

Together with our families from 53 MapleBear Preschools in Singapore, we raised $180,280 for this year’s Terry Fox Charity Carnival to support cancer research. A big shout-out to more than 500 MapleBear families for coming together and helping us orchestrate such a meaningful and joyful event!

Why the Terry Fox Foundation?

We embarked on our annual charity fundraising journey five years ago, inspired by the indomitable spirit of Terry Fox, a young Canadian whose battle against cancer has left a legacy. Over 6 months in 1981, Terry ran for more than 5,300 km in the Marathon of Hope across Canada against the odds after the amputation of his right leg. He fought a good fight to raise awareness about cancer and funds for cancer research. Through the Terry Fox Foundation set up by his family after Terry’s final battle, more than $700 million has been raised around the world for cancer research. We would like to do our part in celebrating Terry Fox’s inspiration and bringing people a step closer to finding a cure for children’s cancer in Singapore. Giving back to the community is a value that MapleBear Singapore seeks to inculcate amongst our students and families. The funds this year will support the cancer research projects under the collaboration between the Terry Fox Foundation and the Singapore Cancer Society.

Terry Fox Charity Carnival – A Zoological Fantasy

For this year’s event, we were especially honoured to have Albert Ching, CEO of the Singapore Cancer Society, Ms Sing-En Tam, Counsellor for Political and Public Affairs, High Commission of Canada to Singapore and Darrell Fox, Senior Advisor to the Terry Fox Research Institute and younger brother of Terry Fox to inspire our children, teachers and families to continue the journey Terry left behind.

Our Charity Carnival on 15 July 2023 was a huge success with carnival food, games, exciting activities and performances by our Principals and teachers from all our Maple Bear schools! Thank you Maple Bear families for joining us to inspire our children that nothing is impossible if we try.

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